Reading List

This is an ongoing list of related reading material to the different phases of Manual Labours’ research.

The Problem with Work

Weeks K, (2011)

Durham; London: Duke University Press

Non-Stop Inertia

Southwood I, (2011)

Winchester: Zero Books

Dirty Work. Concepts and Identities.

Simpson R, Slutskaya, N, Lewis P & Höpfl H (eds.), (2012)

London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Why Work? Arguments for the Leisure Society.

Richards V, et al. (eds) , ()

London: Freedom Press.

State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious

Lorey I, (2015)

New York and London: Verso Books.

The Hypochondriac: Bodies in Protest from Herman Melville to Toni Morrison

Lang M, (2007)

State University of New York at Stony Brook.

The Managed Heart. Commercialization of Human Feeling

Hochschild A, (1983)

Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Creative Labour: Media Work in Three Cultural Industries

Hesmondhalgh D and Baker S, (2011)

Oxon: Routledge

24/7: Time and Temporality in the Networked Society

Hassan R and Purser R, (2007)

Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press

The Productive Body

Guery F & Deleule D, (2014)

Winchester: Zero Books

The Affect Theory Reader

Gregg M and Seigworth G, (2010)

Durham, NC: Duke University Press


Gordon M and Vishmidt M (eds), (2011)

New York: Linco Press.

The Performance of the Self in Everyday Life

Goffman E, (1959)

New York: Anchor Books

Whistle While You Work (For Nothing): Positive Affect as Coercive Strategy – The Case of Workfare

Friedli L & Stearn R, (2013)

Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

Federici S , (2004)

New York: Autonomedia

Resilient Life

Evans B & Reid J, (2014)

Cambridge, UK and Malden, Mass: Polity Press

Work Work Work: A Reader on Art and Labour.

Enqvist A, Engqvist JH, Masucci M, et al. , (2012)

Berlin: Sternberg Press

Counter Planning from the Kitchen: Wages for Housework, a Perspective on Capital and the Left

Cox N and Federici S, (1975)

Bristol: Falling Wall Press

Dead Man Working

Cederstrom C & Fleming P, (2012)

Winchester: Zero Books

Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity

Butler J , (1990)

New York: Routledge.

Alienation and Freedom: The Factory Worker and His Industry.

Blauner R , (1964)

Chicago, IL; London: University of Chicago Press.

Immaterial Bodies: Affect, Embodiment, Mediation

Blackman L, (2012)

London: Sage.

Cruel Optimism

Berlant L, (2011)

Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy.

Berardi F, (2009)

Complaint: From Minor Moans to Principled Protests.

Baggini J, (2008)

London: Profile Books.

The Promise of Happiness

Ahmed S, (2010)

Durham and London: Duke University Press.

On the Phenomenom of Bullshit Jobs

Graeber, D., (2013)

Strike! Magazine. Accessed June 7, 2014.

The problem of Work

Berneri, C, (1938/1983)

in Richards, V. et al. (eds) Why Work? Arguments for the Leisure Society, pp.59-82., London: Freedom Press

Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art

Aranda, J., Kuan Wood, B. and Vidokle, A, (2011)

Berlin: Sternberg Press